Obsolete Furniture

Does your organisation have any furniture that is no longer required?

Something that is taking up space in an office or furniture graveyard?

I am looking for 3 x Office wardrobe style tall cupboards with shelves, preferably that lock.

These pieces of furniture will be located in schools to accommodate the resources for the projects that I run in each of them.

Nikke Gladwin

Child Friendly By Design & TALK Program (Communities for Children Shellharbour)
Healthy Cities Illawarra
p 02 4283 8111│ m 0450 896 081│  f 02 4283 8555,│PO Box 607 Fairymeadow NSW 2519
www.healthyillawarra.org.auwww.facebook.com/healthycitiesillawarrawww.facebook.com/CFbD 2528 Project


‘Share the Track – the path is ours to share’ flyer is now available

The Share the Track educational flyer is part of a regional approach to promote the safe use of shared paths for both pedestrians and cyclists within the Illawarra.

The flyer originally designed some years ago was updated late 2015 to include revised shared path etiquette.

Share the Track is a joint initiative between Shellharbour City Council, Kiama Municipal Council, Wollongong City Council, Illawarra Bicycle User Group and Healthy Cities Illawarra.

Feel free to use the attached pdf to distribute electronically in your networks / channels.

Hard copies of the flyer can be obtained at:

  • Wollongong City Council Customer Service Help Desk (located in 41 Burelli St Wollongong)
  • Wollongong LGA Library Branches
  • Wollongong Information Centre – I HUB
  • Local Cycling Stores
  • Electronic copies can also be downloaded via the Wollongong City Council website

On the Couch with IDU

flyer on the couch_idu02.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

‘On the Couch’ aims to get up close and personal with a panel of speakers who will be hosted by a facilitator around the subject area of Injecting Drug Use.

The intention is for this to be a safe space, but nonetheless, one where the audience can ask questions and engage freely.

We look forward to working with you during the workshop and sharing our collective knowledge and experience. Afternoon tea will be provided.

‘On the Couch’-Injecting Drug Use is a collaborative initiative between Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District, Healthy Cities Illawarra, Watershed, First Step Program & NSW Users & AIDS Association.

Click here to register or in the flyer https://www.eventbrite.com/e/on-the-couch-tickets-19395456332

CaddyShack | Project Clips

Check out the brand new CaddyShack Project clips from our recent Summer Tour!

This year we not only asked young people about their experience of being involved in the CaddyShack Project’s Chlamydia screening activity, but also what sexual health means to them, their experience of sex ed, as well as some fun stuff J

Look out for more clips coming out over the next few weeks. They’ll also be posted on our facebook page (search thecaddyshackproject) and on our Youtube channel.

Here’s the first clip – “What does sexual health mean to you?”

Thanks to the HARP Unit ISLHD, Healthy Cities Illawarra & the Illawarra and Shoalhaven Sexual Health Service for coordinating the Project activity, Alex & Daniel at Xander productions for assisting with the film clips, Kiama Youth Centre, Ulladulla Youth Centre, Shellharbour Council Youth Services, and all the young people involved for making the Project so successful!

For more info on the CaddyShack Project and its activities, contact Marty on E: Marty.Janssen@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au

2014-03-28 08_19_45-Flyer The Talk Shoalhaven 2014.pdf - Adobe ReaderRegistrations are now open for the one day workshop ‘The Talk’ to be held at Coolangatta Estate, Shoalhaven Heads on Tuesday 13th May.

The HARP Unit are pleased to offer this training in partnership with the Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Clinic, Healthy Cities Illawarra & ACON.

This FREE, popular training books up quickly, so please click on the link to register.

Here’s what previous attendees have said about ‘The Talk’

The day was well presented.

Thank you for that.

Most useful for my practice and understanding of sexual health.

Thanks for a great day. The nurse was an inspiration!

Great day.

A nice mix of current information, a chance to mix with other interested people and the beauty of experience from 2 speakers.

Wow! What a great day. The best training I have ever attended too – “Seriously”! Great speakers!

Great stories and testimonies Informative, Inspirational, engaging

Fantastic insight and understanding.

Eye opening into issues I wasn’t completely aware of

Hep B Training | Friday 28th March

The Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service in partnership with Healthy Cities Illawarra are offering a free hepatitis B workshop for CALD community workers

Hepatitis B is a virus that can cause liver damage and liver cancer.  The majority of the 218 000 people with chronic hepatitis B were born overseas.  About half don’t know they have it.  Without appropriate care and treatment up to 25% of people with chronic hepatitis B will die from complication of cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Raising awareness in our communities is vital to address this serious health issue.

This workshop will:

  1. Improve your knowledge and understanding of hepatitis B
  2. Increase your awareness of the impact of hepatitis B
  3. Provide an opportunity to discuss your role in increasing awareness of hepatitis B among CALD communities

For further details and to register follow the link or click on ‘Attend event’